Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Documentation Role - Genevieve Jebson

The Pitt

Class 3, Week 3.

Initially our posters were all hung up together and we were given the opportunity to walk around and discuss with our own group about which groups we thought would do the best job at each given role. We were able to give a 30 second pitch about our ideas to help sway the decisions.

Our group got documentation, which we were very happy about.

Homework/group work for the week:

  • Initial mockups of idea
  • Meeting with social media team to discuss ideas (Friday 12pm)
  • Planning everything for an "imaginary market" next week - organising everything we would need to do our role at the event, trying out different ideas, etc. 

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Market Place Venue - Genevieve Jebson

Class 2, Week 2.

Wellington High School Hall

We were given the opportunity to check out the space which the market place will be in. This gave us opportunity to see what was available at the space and what potential it had.


Suitcase Market Place

Creative Industries

Class 2: Week 2. 

  • Groups were sorted out
  • Group exercise with spaghetti and marshmallows.
  • Discussing ideas within our group on which three roles we would want to do for the market. 


Homework: We have to make 4 posters - 1 outlying our overall view of the event, and the other 3 promoting ourselves with the roles we would like. Our team chose to go for Documentation, Branding and Marketing, and Social Media.

Our posters: 

Overall Event...


Branding and Marketing...

Social Media...